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This is a wonderful work.  I have given my daughters reading assignments from the book for the summer.  It’s a must-have for the family and it’s a fact that your child will not learn this in public schools.  It corrects the misinformation of the American Standardized Educational System.    Don’t take my word for it, get the book and read it and research it for yourself.  Thank you so much for writing this book I’m looking forward to the next one.      ~ Denine Phelps CCMA (Parent/ Nutrition and Health Care Professional)

My family is sitting around right now discussing this book.. They love it.. Not many people are ready to face the facts - for example, this book talks about Charles Taze Russell who is the founder of "The Jehovah's Witness." As a novice historian myself, I was impressed that so many people know little to nothing about him. One very unique piece of information that was new to me was the whole "Star Spangled Banner." Don't be surprised to find yourself totally engrossed in this book. If you don't learn something from this book, it's because you didn't want to. That's a FACT.   ~  Robert Torres

OMGGGG.  They say "The observer changes the properties of the observed, and this is done with your mind, not with your words”.  My god has Sennefer mastered this Idea. To turn around and have the ability to explain this idea all while captivating your mind by discussing “ALL” of the things wrong with our communities is simply majestic.  What if at a young age our children were taught half of the things that were in this book.  Imagine your child being taught that he/she comes from a bloodline of kings and some of the greatest inventors. Well quite simply we would rule the world, and this is why the information is suppressed.  But like my Dad said we have to start home and teach our children.  This book sucks you in from the preface and at the end of the book, you’re thinking there has to be more, and you just flip the pages and start laughing at yourself.  This is by far the most inspirational piece of literature produced by a black Man for black people I have read.  I am patiently waiting for “The new black man”.   ~  Mohamed K. Kande  AA, BA 

“ I would love to put this book in the hands of every youth in the inner city.  It is a great read and full of information that we need to know.   I couldn’t put the book down once I started.”       ~ Eric O Judkins (Youth Mentor and CEO of the Ike Williams Boxing Academy)

“This is truly a wonderful work.  Every University and Household should have a copy of IN PLAIN VIEW in their library.  It’s a good read, an excellent reference to teach and learn from.  Our children will not learn this in Standardized Textbooks.  It’s truly a Must Have!       ~ “Caterina M. Orr, MA  (Professor of African American Literature Studies at V. S. U / Owner/Editor of Get It "Write" Consulting, LLC)

In Plain View


Since reading your book I see life through a different lens. Horrific disappointment!!! The knowledge that I’ve gleaned from this book has my thought process and discernment on a whole nutha level, seeing past the surface of the glitz and glam of the land of Oz to behind the curtain where the Wizard rules. There’s a long-standing ruling system that has been in place, keeping the Crowning Jewels of Africa crippled by the order of “white supremacy” As a White male I can clearly see, from reading this book, how this system has formed and come to fruition. It is an embarrassment to some people to willingly and with strategic forethought, intend to enslave and entrap the minds of any people. I’m enraged and it’s my duty as a cohesive member of society to teach first my family and others as I journey through life. I have been stirred!!!!! Sennefer Ahy, if you have any suggestions on how I can be part of the solution and avoid being a tool in the hand of this evil system, I’m all ears and am willing to do my part!” Respectfully,   ~  Brian Kramer


Are you sure the beliefs you hold about the story of Black People are true? Have you wondered where the accounts of these stories are rooted? The earliest accounts documenting Our-story we now know they are recorded lies. It's time to correct the lies which have been "In Plain View"! Unraveling the truth was a task which calls for exceptional sharp reasoning skills. Sennefer Ahy reveals the paradigm of deception to which generations of Black People have been tricked when the facts and answers to questions were In Plain View. You must take this trip through his view of our plights. Examine the situations that have led us off the road to building strong, loving, successful families and communities. Open your eyes to the theologically-based views that have been used to control and manipulate Black People as a result of "white supremacy" for hundreds of years. It is time to open your eyes and minds and see that the TRUTH was always In Plain View! When I started reading this book, it was heartfelt because like Sennefer, I grew up in the city of Trenton, N.J. I could feel his emotion. It jumps off the very pages and grabs you. You can feel what occurred in his life which compelled him to write about it. In Plain View is a unique book. It stirs your common and logical senses. It is straightforward and in your face which makes you overstand what has happened to Black People. The theme identifies the social, political and religious misnomers and dogmas that have handicapped the Afrikan race for centuries. America's Afrikans have yet to emerge from slavery and oppression which were carefully planned and designed to cap their strength and stymie their resiliency. In Plain View lays the groundwork for overstanding how the past has influenced the present. It is riveting and Sennefer Ahy has cited relevant pattern behavior in America's Afrikans which were connected to lies, deceit and put directly in our faces. In Plain View sucks the reader right in. I have so many dog-eared pages in this book for quick future reference because it is filled with so much information. It is well written and sheds light on the true plight of America's Afrikans in this country (oops corporation). It is a book which corrects the lies and half-truths given to us over the years. The false teachings by the Europeans have been exposed which were always In Plain View. This is an OUTSTANDING book THAT MUST BE READ! Get your copy today.  ~  Celah Eliana 



I seldom read for entertainment. More so, I read to gain knowledge. I consider a book "a Keeper" if it can provide me with something I didn't previously know, or something that was "In Plain Sight." Having said, "In Plain Sight" By Sennefer Ahy is as literal as its title, yet one can gain much from it being, what you will receive from the works is similar as a light being turned on in a dark room      

~  Marie Murf Antionette   (Author of  "The Struggle") 



Thank you Sennefer Ahy for keeping it real. This is a great publication beloved.  This is a must-read for all troubled urban areas.  This book is on point.  I am blown away.  In my mind, this is a New York Times bestseller. This book explains how Black America got to this point in America. Starting right here in Trenton NJ.   Again Sennefer Ahy I THANK BELOVED. READING YOUR BOOK HAS TAUGHT ME WHY THE BLACK MAN IS HATED AND DESPISED THIS BOOK ONLY SPEAKS THE TRUTH TO THE POWER OF THE READER.  I’M CHARGED!        ~ Brian White – (City Librarian Trenton, NJ)



“My daughter took the book out of the mailbox and would not give it back to me.  She takes the book with her everywhere.  I may have to get another copy.”     ~ Trina McClendon ( Urban Entrepreneur & Parent)



“My brother Bro you got my head going crazy. I feel everyone needs to read your book.  The information is mind-blowing.  Why didn’t you discuss the black national anthem?  This is an awesome book.  ~ Nailiah Jones (Social Worker, BA)



“Respect...concrete!!!!!”      ~ Soloman Dinkins (Urban Entrepreneur & Youth Mentor)


My dear and learned brother, I can't express my gratitude to you for writing this BOOK, it is one of the best books I have read in quite a few years.  It should be, mandatory reading for all people in general, black people in particular. It should be in every home (black). Love your book, I think you have outdone yourself.  In the hands of those at risk youth on the streets of our urban cities such as Chicago, Detroit, and Trenton, NJ. I feel it would make an impact in their lives!  However, for me, after reading the Chapter on “The Christian Black Codes” it still resonates with me, it lays out the purpose and intent of the past and presents slave master for Black America and how much has been hidden and instilled in us during the 500 years of mental and physical imprisonment.   IN PLAIN VIEW clearly identifies and exposes the fact that these practices are yet alive today, only under different names.  But the beat goes on!  At 78 years of age, I have learned a host of things from reading this book.  I have known the author, from his rearing in the city of Trenton, New Jersey and reading this book, he has given me the vehicle, to reminisce about the path and plight of Black America and the urban struggle.  Needless to say, I am about 3 decades his senior, that aside he knows of whence he speaks!  I have read many books authored many acclaimed authors such as A.J. Rogers, Dr. Chancellor Williams, and Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango and this book is no doubt on par with those.  As they say in church “the table is spread, and the feast is going on." It would be to your benefit To sit down and eat.  I have finished reading your book “IN PLAIN VIEW”, and I’m ready for another, take us on in! You got to have another one in the oven!        ~ Elder Elwood Walker  (Civil Rights Activist)





Sennefer Ahy
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